Thursday, February 28, 2013


Welcome to Buttercream Is Better! I have been wanting to do this for awhile, and finally got the courage to give it a whirl. I don't have a professional cooking, baking or food industry background (does working at Dairy Queen at age 16 count?) I don't have a fancy camera or any experience whatsoever with food styling.  There are literally thousands of people out there with more experience and more entertaining things to say.  BUT.  I figured I have nothing to lose and if nothing else is gained from this experience, this will be a good collection of recipes from around the web that I have enjoyed for my family and friends to try.  Maybe after awhile some invisible internet friends will join me. 
Cupcakes I made for my sister-in-law's Rubber Ducky baby shower that I hosted! Dark chocolate cupcakes with a whipped cream cheese frosting.

There must be others like me out there who: are constantly thinking about food, require something sweet after dinner, crave texture, live a healthy(ish) lifestyle but understand that life is eternally better with buttercream frosting, can turn their days around by making something from scratch in the kitchen, and love sharing their creations with family and friends (and invisible internet friends? anyone?).

Most of these posts are going to be someone else's babies from food blogs I love - recipe creator, I am not.  I know my way around a kitchen and can decorate a mean layer cake; however, making my own recipes still sort of kinda really terrifies me.  I will be sure to credit and link up every original poster since they are way cooler than me.  Thanks for taking the time to stop by!


  1. Love the blog! You go girl :-)

  2. Not only were these cupcakes cute but they were so delicious

  3. yes, working at DQ counts!!!!!!!!! xoxo MEGAN


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