Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Monthly Mix-Ins

August's Monthly Mix-Ins are a few days late.  No excuses, it was just a holiday weekend and I was feeling a bit lazy.  Do I get points for honesty?

1.  Since Greg and I are in our mid/late twenties and everyone around us is having babies, we will be surrounded by great advice when the time comes for us.  However, this article tops any advice we've heard so far: 24 People Who Are Really Nailing This Parenting Thing.  Number 7 and number 24 just about made me pee my pants.  Does BuzzFeed ever get tiring? No. No, it doesn't.

2.  This Strawberry and Whipped Cream Cake.  I made it for my Mom's birthday earlier this month and YUM.  Plus, it's purrrrty.

3.  Not even going to touch Miley's VMA performance because 1) too easy and 2) I don't like to acknowledge it was actually a thing.  What happened to Hannah Montana?

4.  How amazing do these Milky Way Double Fudge Brownies from Aimee at Shugary Sweets look?  Somebody make these for me soon so that I can die happy.

5.  Hubs and my Dad installed my new farmhouse sink in our kitchen last month.  I had a super shallow sink that would allow me to wash, oh I don't know, exactly one cereal bowl at a time and now I have this glorious masterpiece.  Heaven!  You know you're getting old when you're this excited about a sink.  Sorry I'm not sorry.

6.  Football is here!! Which makes me happy for two reasons:  1) I genuinely love watching football and 2) FOOD. Hello!? Food! Game day food is the best. And Jessica put some of the best football recipes ever all in one place for you. She's the bestest.

7.  It's supposed to drop to 49 degrees overnight this week.  I need a smoother transition from summer, please.

8.  I know I'm about 2 years late to this party, but how amazing is the beauty blog MaskCara?! I need her to come renovate my beauty "routine", considering I am a total hair and make-up tragedy. Unless boring straight hair and chapstick are involved.  Cara: fix me, pleaseeee.

9.  Last food item I've been craving lately:  Pizza Stuffed Bacon Wrapped Chicken.  Not even fair.

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