Sunday, March 31, 2013

Red Velvet Cake Balls

One thing that stinks about being an adult: lack of birthday parties. 
You may still get together with friends, have some wine, go out to eat, etc.  But I'm talking about old school birthday parties with elaborate themes, every single one of your friends, cake, ice cream, candy, soda and party favors.  Before you cared about counting calories or where on your thighs those snacks would end up.  Where you'd run around with your friends for a few hours and be sent home buzzing around like a maniac from the crazy extreme sugar high.  I was at a few with ponies.  Oh yes.  Those were the days.
I had the same college roommate all four years of school (hiiiiii, Di!).  We had known each other from high school, and decided to room together when we found out we were attending the same college.  She lovessss her some red velvet cake, so her mom made her one every year for her birthday.  Ever since we graduated, in an attempt to relive the glory days and/or sugar highs of childhood, I make her red velvet cupcakes.  I wanted to switch it up this year and try red velvet in a different form.  These cake balls have all the flavors of red velvet cake, with the cake and frosting rolled together and then dipped in dark chocolate.  I gave these babies a nice neon chocolate drizzle in homage to our 90's upbringing and finished them with some confetti-colored birthday sprinkles.
I'm bringing the candy-induced sugar coma back for birthdays, baby.

Red Velvet Cake Balls:
Makes around 60 cake balls

1 box of Red Velvet cake mix + ingredients required on the box to make it
1 (8oz) pkg cream cheese, softened
1 stick of butter, softened
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups of powdered sugar
chocolate candy melting wafers (milk, dark or white - I used dark)
colored chocolate melting wafers for drizzle, optional
sprinkles for decoration, optional

Bake the red velvet cake in a 9x13 pan according to package directions.  Set aside to cool completely.

While cake is cooling, make the frosting.  In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, beat the cream cheese, butter and vanilla together until smooth.  Add the sugar on low speed and beat until incorporated.  Increase the speed to high and mix until very light and fluffy.

Once the cake has cooled, crumble with your hands into a large bowl.  Take 1 3/4 cups of the cream cheese frosting and spoon in the bowl with the cake crumbles.  Freeze any remaining frosting for later use (resist the urge to promptly devour over the kitchen sink with a spoon).  Mix the frosting and the cake crumbles using your hands until thoroughly mixed and uniform.  If too dry, add a few more spoonfuls of frosting, but be sure it's not too wet or it will be difficult to roll.  Using your hands, roll into one-inch balls and place on a cookie sheet lined with wax paper.  Refrigerate for about 30 minutes to make them easier to dip. 

When ready, melt the chocolate candy melting wafers in 30 second increments in the microwave.  Stir until smooth.  Dip each cake ball in the chocolate and place back on the wax paper-lined cookie sheet.  Drizzle with colored chocolate and sprinkles, if desired.  Store in the refrigerator.
They're like a party in your mouth.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Lightened Up Baked Potato Soup

Mother Nature is being sort of mean. Mean, mean.
Spring still hasn't decided to cooperate here in PA.  So even as we approach Easter weekend, I still find myself craving comfort foods to combat the cold weather outside.  Hopefully our local kiddos won't need to be hunting eggs knee deep in snow this year, although I wouldn't be surprised. 

This soup has all the flavors of a restaurant-style loaded baked potato.  It's fast enough for a weeknight, and it won't majorly set you back in your calorie intake since it uses low-fat/low-sodium ingredients whenever possible.  This is good news considering you probably ate about five peanut butter eggs today.  Which is why we're such good friends... great minds think alike.

Lightened Up Baked Potato Soup:
Serves 4-6

4 baking potatoes, about 2.5lbs
3 tablespoons butter, divided
small amount of onion, diced
small amount of celery, diced
1 clove garlic, minced
1/3 cup flour
5 cups milk (I used skim)
1 cup low-sodium chicken or vegetable broth
1 cup part-skim shredded cheddar cheese
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 cup fat-free sour cream
6 slices low-sodium bacon, cooked and crumbled (optional)

Scrub potatoes under running water and pat dry.  Poke several holes in the potatoes with a fork to vent

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Cheesy Broccoli Quinoa

Can we talk about my painfully obvious quinoa kick lately? It might be up there with avocados and anything salted caramel as one of my top food obsessions. Quinoa is often touted a "superfood" because it's high in protein and it's a good source of dietary fiber, iron, and even a little calcium. Because it packs such a nutritional punch, I don't mind throwing cheese on top and calling it a deliciously rounded-out side dish. 
I never used to be very good at side dishes. I spent so much time menu planning for the week for just the main course, that sometimes I forgot that something actually needs to be on the plate with it. I've gotten much better at making creative sides now (goodbye lazily steaming veggies every single day), though I still prefer the quick & easy variety that have some nutrients are are easy to throw together while the main dish is finishing up. I served this with a chicken dish and it was delicious!  I don't even think my husband knew he was eating something healthy.   Mwahaha... trickery.
Cheesy Broccoli Quinoa:
Adapted from Closet Cooking
Serves 4

1 cup quinoa, well rinsed
1 3/4 cup vegetable broth, chicken broth or water
2 cups fresh broccoli, chopped
1 cup shredded cheddar
salt and pepper to taste

Add the quinoa, broth/water and broccoli to a boil over medium heat.  Once boiling, cover the pot and reduce the heat to medium low.  Simmer, stirring occasionally, until the broth has been absorbed and the quinoa is tender (about 15 minutes).  Remove from heat and stir in cheese until melted.  Add salt and pepper to taste and serve immediately.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Chocolate Covered Easter Eggs (Peanut Butter and Coconut Crème)

I must be feeling awfully generous today.  I have not one, but two wonderfully festive Easter candy recipes for you!
I have enjoyed these recipes my entire life and they are two of the many reasons I look forward to Spring every year.  I love Starburst jelly beans and Cadbury eggs as much as the next girl, but homemade peanut butter eggs and coconut crème-filled eggs pretty much rock my world.  I would eat these all year long if it wasn't for fear of my waistline exponentially expanding.  My mother got the recipe almost 40 years ago from a Pennsylvania Dutch woman named Bonnie Dry, who had the recipe in her family as long as she could remember.  You can tell it's a really old school recipe by the presence of egg whites.  If this skeeves you out, you can totally omit them, but I like what they do for the consistency.  You can read more about egg safety here.  We've been eating them this way forever and while I may be a little strange, I am otherwise unscathed. 
And let's get real for a second.  You people that don't like coconut... we can't really be friends anymore.  Okay we can still be friends, but I will outwardly judge you and try to change your mind every. single. year.  Because you're crazy.  Don't worry, my husband is among you, but you're crazy.

Homemade Peanut Butter Eggs:
Makes around 75 eggs (depending on the size you roll them)

2 sticks of butter, softened
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 egg whites
1 small jar peanut butter
1 1/2 lbs powdered sugar
chocolate for dipping (I usually use dark)

In the bowl of a mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, mix the butter, vanilla, the egg whites and the peanut butter until smooth.  Gradually add the powdered sugar.  Mix until uniformly combined.  Roll into egg-shaped blobs and refrigerate or freeze for 20 minutes or so to make them easier to dip.  Melt the chocolate, dip the peanut butter eggs into the chocolate, and shake off excess chocolate.  Decorate, if desired, but I mostly prefer mine naked.  Refrigerate until hardened.

Homemade Coconut Crème Eggs:
Makes about 75 eggs (depending on the size you roll them)

8 oz cream cheese, softened
1 stick butter, softened
2 cups coconut
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 lbs powdered sugar
chocolate for dipping (I use dark)

In the bowl of a mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, mix together cream cheese, butter, coconut, and vanilla until combined.  Gradually add the powdered sugar.  Mix until uniformly combined.  Roll into egg-shaped blobs and refrigerate for 20 minutes or so to make them easier to dip.  Melt the chocolate, dip the coconut eggs into the chocolate, and shake off excess chocolate.  Decorate, if desired.  Refrigerate until hardened.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Cannoli Stuffed French Toast

Happy Weekend!  I know that last post was all about healthy breakfasts and all... but after a challenging week at work, can you imagine anything better than waking up late on Saturday morning to these babies?
I certainly can't.  We all know weekends are for the really fun breakfasts you just can't squeeze into the work week.  This French toast is the perfect special occasion brunch item... or you know, just because you're feeling fancy on an ordinary Saturday like I was.  Plus, I have a crazy affinity for cannolis (um, who doesn't?) so I pretty much knew these had to be amazing from the moment I saw them over at Two Peas and Their Pod.  The filling is creamy and decadent, with a yummy crunch of mini chocolate chips in every yummy bite.  I had mine with syrup because I believe in Buddy the Elf's basic food groups, but this really was to die for on its own. 
Cannoli Stuffed French Toast:
Original recipe by Two Peas & Their Pod

1 cup ricotta cheese (I used low-fat)
1/4 cup powdered sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/3 cup regular or mini chocolate chips
2 large eggs
1/4 cup heavy cream or milk
4 slices French bread
2 tablespoons butter
powdered sugar, for serving
syrup, if desired

In a small bowl, combine ricotta cheese, powdered sugar & vanilla.  Stir in the chocolate chips and set the mixture aside.

In a shallow bowl, whisk together the eggs and cream (or milk) until thoroughly combined.  Spread 2 of

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Banana Oatmeal Cups with Chocolate Chips

Much of my life is spent in a constant struggle between wanting to shove cake in my face every five minutes and wanting to live solely on green smoothies, salads & protein shakes.  And believe me when I say I fluctuate every day between the two mindsets.  This is the life I lead, people. 
So when I find something that is both healthy and lets me have chocolate (especially for breakfast), I am sold.  Enter these Banana Oatmeal Cups with Chocolate Chips.  These are pretty healthy & tasty and give you a great boost of energy in the morning.  Plus they are a great way to use up any bananas you have that are on the brink of extinction.  I like them warm so that the chocolate chips are all melty and glorious, so feel free to pop any leftover oatmeal cups in the microwave for 10-15 seconds before you head out the door.  Disclaimer: these are definitely not meant to be as sweet as a muffin or a cupcake, so if you like things extra sweet you may want to add a sweetener of some kind to the batter.  I added some sweetened shredded coconut to half this batter and loved it!
This recipe is also the perfect reason to introduce you to one of my favorite things: PB2 powdered peanut butter.  It adds all the flavor of peanut butter with but with less fat calories than normal peanut butter.  They have a chocolate peanut butter flavor, too, which is great mixed with plain Greek yogurt or in your

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Baked Cinnamon Sugar Popcorn

This is one of those recipes you should probably just never make.
Because once you do, it'll be something you crave on the regular.  It hits the big 4: it's easy, it's fast, it's made with stuff you most likely already have on hand, and it's delicious.  And this is coming from someone who is generally not a big popcorn person.  On the rare occasion we go to the movies, I'd rather get something sweet (who's shocked?) than the neon yellow-coated stuff in a jumbo bucket.  But this is a fun treat you can make at home that satisfies both your sweet tooth and your snack craving, and it is definitely decadent enough to double as dessert.  All you need is popcorn, butter, sugar, cinnamon, and salt.

You combine everything but the popcorn in a small saucepan over low heat.  This is the part where you stop and send me a thank-you e-mail because your house smells like all things heavenly.  Pour the

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Double Mint Dark Chocolate Cupcakes (St. Patty's Day Special!)

Contrary to what it may seem like, I do not eat cupcakes every day.
My husband had a special request for something in the chocolate mint category, and I figured St. Patrick's Day was a perfect occasion to try out this flavor combo for him.  When brainstorming, I knew I wanted a dark chocolate cake with a some sort of creamy mint filling, and a refreshing (and festive!) green mint buttercream on top.  I am not even 1% Irish, but who doesn't love a good holiday? Besides. . .  I like to think I look good in green, and these cupcakes do, too.
I adapted the dark chocolate cake and mint filling recipe from Dinners, Dishes & Desserts, and topped it with my favorite buttercream recipe spiked with a bit of peppermint extract.  And what cupcake

Friday, March 15, 2013

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcakes

Try to be unhappy when you're eating a cupcake.  Just. . . try.  It's pretty much impossible.  Just looking at this picture makes me giddy.
So last weekend, I finally decided to tackle these Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcakes.  They have been on my list for awhile, but I needed to scour the Internet to find the perfect recipe that had the right balance of chocolate chip flavor in the cake, an eggless cookie dough filling and a fluffy brown sugar buttercream.  And spell check really needs to stop telling me "buttercream" isn't a word because it's going to be a reoccurring theme on this blog.  Obviously.
I hit the jackpot with this recipe from Amanda at Fake Ginger.  It has a dense, chocolate chip flecked cake with a filling that tastes exactly like the cookie dough you sneak while baking that you know you

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Skinny Jalapeño Popper Baked Stuffed Chicken

We are reaching the point with our weather in PA where we are all starting to get a little sick of being cold all the time.  Since daylight savings was just last week, it's even more of a tease that we longer days filled with sunlight, but it's still 30 freaking degrees.  Spring is definitely close, but there is still some time for some comfort food.  And since Summer and bathing suit season directly follow Spring, it's probably better if we start making that comfort food healthified!
That's when I turn to Gina from  She's amazing.  She pulls a mulligan on some of my favorite things to eat and gives them a healthy makeover.  And who doesn't love jalapeño poppers?  Those delicious, cheesy peppers that some people I myself have been guilty of making wrapped in bacon on multiple occasions.  This dinner combines all the flavors of the decadent appetizer into a pretty healthy main dish.  You get the creaminess of the spicy cheddar jack cheese and cream cheese, mixed with the kick of the fresh jalapeños and brightness from the lime juice it gets dunked in.  This is definitely one of my favorite dinners to make at home and made our regular rotation.  A serving is 2 pieces so it's perfect served with a side salad or some beans & rice. 

They may look like porcupines, but those toothpicks keep the spicy, cheesy goodness from escaping too soon.
I have made these without the scallions and swapped the cheddar jack for pepper jack and it's still mouthwateringly good.  To see the finished product and get the recipe (with nutrition facts) head over to see Gina at!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Homemade Marshmallow Fondant

You know how I remember a wedding?  Cake.  The answer is always cake.  I won't comment on the flowers, decorations, or color scheme selected by the bride and groom because I know how much work goes in to a wedding and how much time is spent making these decisions.  Even if it's not my style, I love that it expresses their personalities and can appreciate the uniqueness of every individual wedding.  But there better be some good cake or I will judge you on a deep and personal level. 
This was our wedding cake.  And it was goooo-ood.
I've been to some weddings where I swear they served me a roughly 1/4 inch slice.  Um, no.  Or where they intricately decorated a cake with Styrofoam and had sheet cakes in the back. What? It's still just as hard to make sugar flowers for a block of foam... I don't get it.  I've also been to some weddings where the gummy fondant was rolled at least a half an inch thick and once it was peeled back, there was hardly even any cake underneath it. Icky.

However, it's hard to beat the clean, unblemished look that fondant gives a cake. When I started to make more cakes at home and trying to increase my decorating repertoire, I knew homemade
fondant was something I wanted to try.  I scoured the web and there are tons of recipes - some had crazy ingredients like glycerin and xanthan gum.  Finally, I came across a few that used good old-fashioned marshmallows and decided to go for it.  My sister-in-law had her second baby shower coming up for her husband's side of the family, and I was asked to make the cake.  It was a jungle theme, so I used the plain white fondant to cover the cake and then colored the remainder to make a few jungle related cut-outs.  I used the extra to mold a little monkey on top, and I think it worked pretty well.
The best part is, it tasted great!  I put a thin layer of peanut butter buttercream on the cake for the fondant to adhere to, and that was the main flavor that came through.  It's a little delicate and I

Monday, March 11, 2013

Lemon Quinoa Avocado Chickpea Salad

I bake a lot.  I mean, I really like cake.  But my health is important to me, too.  So to keep everything nice & balanced, I have a few of these recipes up my sleeve. 
I found the original recipe over on The Diva Dish thanks to seeing a photo of it on Pinterest.  The colors drew me in and I knew by reading the ingredient list that it was going to be a winner.  One of those things where you obsess about the recipe for days and buy 20 avocados in preparation for it because they are ripe for exactly five minutes and you keep having to run to the grocery store to buy more.  Just me? Okay then.  The original recipe called for cilantro, but I am not a big fan so I simply omitted it.  I didn't miss it at all, but feel free to toss some in for an extra layer of flavor if that's more your style. 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Fluffernutter Cupcakes

These cupcakes. I live and die by these cupcakes.

I know you're thinking "not such a wonderful picture you have there" but the truth is these really didn't hang around long enough to be photographed in any sort of presentable manner.

Okay, that's a bit dramatic.  But these really are the most amazing cupcakes on the planet.  Sorry, I can't stop.

My husband's dessert philosophy baffles me.  Chocolate and peanut butter all the way, all the time.  Don't get me wrong, it's an amazing combination, and one that I enjoy myself quite often.  But I'm different in the way that I order desserts depending on what mood I'm in at that very second.  Lemon & white chocolate one day could be followed by some sort of chocolate indulgence overload the next, and then next time I'll want something with salted caramel oozing out of it.  This is why it takes me 10 minutes at our favorite ice cream shop at the beach to order - I have to figure out what I'm in the mood for while he looks at the menu, spots "chocolate & peanut bu...." and closes it back up.  There are so many crazy delicious combinations in the world that I can't imagine just limiting myself to one. 
I digress.

These cupcakes were originally found on my favorite food blog of all time,
How Sweet It Is.  Jessica is my
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