Friday, May 31, 2013

Monthly Mix-Ins

I'm starting a new monthly segment on the site where I list some of my favorite things from around the web, products I've been loving, and basically any other random thoughts that have popped into my head that I feel the need blab incessantly on about to you.  Enjoy the first-ever Monthly Mix-Ins!

1.  This might be insanely cliche, but seriously HOW is it almost June?!  I mean I love June (annual vacation and my birthday) but I feel like it was just Easter.  Time: slow down.  I'm not ready for football and falling leaves just yet, and I feel like you're too close.

2.  This recipe is all I can think about since I found it on Pinterest.  Just stop it.  Chocolate, peanut butter, pretzels and how freakin' cute?

2.  These shoes make me insanely happy.  And I had to legitimately force myself not to buy this shirt at Target the other day.  My husband looked at me like I was a lunatic teenage girl for even considering it.  But I basically am a lunatic teenage girl locked in a grown-up body, so I've decided I'm going back to buy it.  Bright colors + leopard = two of my favorite things on the planet.

3.  This.  Number 2 made my whole entire day.

4.  I normally think GEICO commercials are pretty lame, but this one makes me laugh so incredibly hard.  Mike-mike-mike-mike-mike.

5.  If you follow me on Instagram, you've probably noticed I love green juices.  It's all about balance... so if you splurge on a cupcake but are really good about drinking your veggies, you are okay in my book and we would get along just fine.  I really want a good juicer to make my own - especially since it's summer and sometimes I just want a light meal replacement smoothie with lots of nutrients.  Anyone have any good recipes for homemade juices/smoothies?

6.  One of the things I look forward to the most about my upcoming vacation is the food (obviously).  Cape May has some of the most drool-inducing restaurants around.  I'm sure you'll be assaulted with numerous images via every method of social media the entire time I'm there.

7.  Somebody please make me these for my birthday.  With extra sprinkles.

8.  I would love everything from the C. Wonder summer collection and the winning lottery ticket to make that possible.  Please and thank you.

That's it for May! Helloooo, birth-month...

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