Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Vinyl Mixer Decals + a Special Discount Code!

It actually happened.... I found a way to love my KitchenAid® mixer even more.
Is your mind blown? I cannot tell you how happy this makes me. I've never seen anything like this before, and when I stumbled across these vinyl stand mixer decals on Etsy I just about lost my mind.  The decal came with detailed instructions and was very easy to apply.  I put them on last night and couldn't stop smiling every time I walked in my kitchen and saw them.  It's the little things in life, folks... and I am very easy to please.  Unless you ask my husband.
And... it gets better!  I'm thrilled to announce that Lil Punkin Creations was gracious enough to offer 20% OFF your order just for my awesome BiB readers! {happy dance!}  The items in her store are super affordable (they range from about $6-$15) and super fabulous... just look at all those creative designs. Just go to her Etsy storefront, browse some of the awesome decals and party supplies, and enter the code "BUTTERCREAM" at checkout.  That's it!  Instant 20% savings.  It just can't get any better than that!  Buy one for yourself, your mom, your best friend... and another one for yourself in case you want to change it up later.  The code is only good for one week so make sure you take advantage while you can!

*Note:  I was in no way compensated for this post... I just love the product and was super excited to share it!

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