Friday, May 31, 2013

Monthly Mix-Ins

I'm starting a new monthly segment on the site where I list some of my favorite things from around the web, products I've been loving, and basically any other random thoughts that have popped into my head that I feel the need blab incessantly on about to you.  Enjoy the first-ever Monthly Mix-Ins!

1.  This might be insanely cliche, but seriously HOW is it almost June?!  I mean I love June (annual vacation and my birthday) but I feel like it was just Easter.  Time: slow down.  I'm not ready for football and falling leaves just yet, and I feel like you're too close.

2.  This recipe is all I can think about since I found it on Pinterest.  Just stop it.  Chocolate, peanut butter, pretzels and how freakin' cute?

2.  These shoes make me insanely happy.  And I had to legitimately force myself not to buy this shirt at Target the other day.  My husband looked at me like I was a lunatic teenage girl for even considering it.  But I basically am a lunatic teenage girl locked in a grown-up body, so I've decided I'm going back to buy it.  Bright colors + leopard = two of my favorite things on the planet.

3.  This.  Number 2 made my whole entire day.

4.  I normally think GEICO commercials are pretty lame, but this one makes me laugh so incredibly hard.  Mike-mike-mike-mike-mike.

5.  If you follow me on Instagram, you've probably noticed I love green juices.  It's all about balance... so if you splurge on a cupcake but are really good about drinking your veggies, you are okay in my book and we would get along just fine.  I really want a good juicer to make my own - especially since it's summer and sometimes I just want a light meal replacement smoothie with lots of nutrients.  Anyone have any good recipes for homemade juices/smoothies?

6.  One of the things I look forward to the most about my upcoming vacation is the food (obviously).  Cape May has some of the most drool-inducing restaurants around.  I'm sure you'll be assaulted with numerous images via every method of social media the entire time I'm there.

7.  Somebody please make me these for my birthday.  With extra sprinkles.

8.  I would love everything from the C. Wonder summer collection and the winning lottery ticket to make that possible.  Please and thank you.

That's it for May! Helloooo, birth-month...

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Vinyl Mixer Decals + a Special Discount Code!

It actually happened.... I found a way to love my KitchenAid® mixer even more.
Is your mind blown? I cannot tell you how happy this makes me. I've never seen anything like this before, and when I stumbled across these vinyl stand mixer decals on Etsy I just about lost my mind.  The decal came with detailed instructions and was very easy to apply.  I put them on last night and couldn't stop smiling every time I walked in my kitchen and saw them.  It's the little things in life, folks... and I am very easy to please.  Unless you ask my husband.
And... it gets better!  I'm thrilled to announce that Lil Punkin Creations was gracious enough to offer 20% OFF your order just for my awesome BiB readers! {happy dance!}  The items in her store are super affordable (they range from about $6-$15) and super fabulous... just look at all those creative designs. Just go to her Etsy storefront, browse some of the awesome decals and party supplies, and enter the code "BUTTERCREAM" at checkout.  That's it!  Instant 20% savings.  It just can't get any better than that!  Buy one for yourself, your mom, your best friend... and another one for yourself in case you want to change it up later.  The code is only good for one week so make sure you take advantage while you can!

*Note:  I was in no way compensated for this post... I just love the product and was super excited to share it!

Monday, May 27, 2013

American Buttercream Frosting (...and a Wedding!)

Happy Memorial Day, everyone!  I'm currently writing this preemptively dreading returning to work tomorrow.  The days after long weekends are just.the.worst.  At the same time, I am super content and reflective about how great a weekend it was... not to mention the freedoms we have and who made it all possible.  Thank you vets - past, present and future!
It was a very exciting weekend for me, for sure... I had my first wedding order.  A friend (hiiii, Amy) asked me a while ago if I would consider making cupcakes and a small cake for her friends wedding.  After a small panic attack from the pressure of baking for such an important occasion, I happily accepted and began the planning process.  The wedding was this Sunday and after three and a half heart attacks while transporting them to the location (I was 100% sure someone was going to rear-end me on the way there and ruin everything) I am super happy with the way everything turned out.  Big shout out to my mom and amazing husband for their support and encouragement and to Amy and Sara for giving me a shot!  You guys are pretty awesome.
I figured this would be a wonderful opportunity to share with you one of my favorite American buttercream recipes.  Considering the name of this blog, it's only fitting.  And probably should have been my first recipe?  Hmm.  Anyway, it's important to note that I use different recipes depending on the intent - whipped frostings, Italian buttercreams, Swiss Meringue Buttercreams, and French buttercreams certainly have their places and I even prefer them at times.  I could write an entire post on the different uses, benefits and flavors of each type, but I will save that for another day. 

This recipe is a great all-purpose, medium consistency, crusting buttercream that holds it's shape to pipe on cupcakes, cookies and cakes. It's the recipe my mom always used on cakes growing up and each time I make it I'm transported my six year-old self in her kitchen licking the beater.  I don't love using shortening, but I use a small amount and it does help the frosting hold it's shape a bit better than all-butter recipes.  This usually makes just enough to frost 24 cupcakes or an 8-inch layer cake, but I love frosting and having extra to add decorations and details so I generally double the recipe and freeze whatever's leftover (if anything).  Have I mentioned I like frosting?
American Buttercream Frosting:
1 stick butter, softened to room temperature (soft, but not melted)
1/4 cup vegetable shortening
1 pound bag of powdered sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3-4 tablespoons milk or heavy cream
dash of salt

Blend the butter and shortening together in the bowl of your mixer until light and fluffy (about 3 minutes).  Scrape the sides of the bowl to make sure everything is blended.  Add the vanilla, milk, salt, and about half of the powdered sugar.  Mix on low speed until blended.  Add the remaining powdered sugar and beat on medium high speed until fluffy.  If your frosting is too runny, add some more powdered sugar.  If it's too stiff, add a touch more milk or cream.

A few tips: 
  • Room temperature butter is super important.  Do not try to mix cold butter! If you are in a pinch, slice your butter into small pieces (about tablespoon size) and leave on the counter.  This increases the surface area and the butter comes to room temperature much faster.
  • Use a clear vanilla extract and a bit more shortening to butter ratio if you want a brighter, more pure white.  The butter does make it slightly off-white.  This recipe also is very easy to color with a bit of gel food coloring.
  • This frosting is super forgiving! Add more liquid if too stiff or more sugar if too runny.  It's foolproof.
  • Experiment with flavors.  This is a great base recipe and super versatile.  Add some lemon, orange or coconut extract for different flavor combinations.  Add some cocoa and make a chocolate buttercream.  Be creative!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Balsamic Chicken with Caprese Asparagus

Summer has finally come to PA.  We sort of fast forwarded through the Spring part, but hey... at least it's not snowing.
Summertime means lighter meals, colder drinks, and lots of time spent in front of the grill.  This is the quintessential summer weeknight meal.  It's light, healthy, delicious and packed with nutrients.  While pretty enough for company, it takes about 30 minutes start to finish for those lazy summer nights when it's too muggy to move.  It may not be a true caprese (where's the basil?!) but I took a little creative liberty with the recipe title.  So, what are you waiting for?  Get grillin'!
Balsamic Chicken with Caprese Asparagus:
Serves 2-4

2 boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 bunch asparagus
1/2 pint grape tomatoes
4 oz reduced-fat mozzarella cheese
1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
1/4 cup plus 1 teaspoon olive oil
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon garlic salt

Slice chicken breasts in half to create four thin chicken cutlets.  In a large Ziploc bag, combine 1/2 cup balsamic vinegar with 1/4 cup olive oil, garlic powder and pepper.  Add chicken to the bag and marinate for 30 minutes up to overnight. 

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  Line a cookie sheet with aluminum foil.  Place asparagus on the sheet and drizzle with olive oil (I used my Misto) and garlic salt.  Bake for 8-10 minutes until the asparagus is tender.

When asparagus is placed in the oven, start to grill your chicken until done (165 degrees internal temperature).  While the chicken and asparagus are cooking, place sliced grape tomatoes and remaining 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar and 1 teaspoon olive oil in a frying pan.  Cook on medium-low heat until soft, stirring occasionally. 

When everything is done cooking, place chicken and asparagus on plates and top with tomatoes and mozzarella.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Salted Caramel Sauce

Some trends I will never get on board with.  Exhibit A:
But one trend floating around the food world that I am a full-on supporter of is anything concerning salted caramel.  Ohhh my goodness, am I a fan.  It's been around much longer, but I first hopped on the salted caramel train a few summers ago at the beach when I first tasted a chocolate-covered caramel topped with coarse sea salt.  Pure food heaven magic.  The sweetness with the bite of salt that tingles on your tongue is the most amazing contrast ever.  And ever since that moment I have been all about salted caramel candies, cheesecakes, cookies, ice cream... pretty much anything I could get my hands on.  Also, a jar of this in the fridge is a necessity.
Homemade caramel can be very temperamental and while I wouldn't say it's difficult to make, it is pretty easy to burn and it may take a few tries until you get the hang of it.  No worries!  Follow these directions and you'll be smothering your baked goods/ice cream/fingers in sweet, homemade salted caramel in no time.
Apologies in advance for doing this to you right before bikini season.

Salted Caramel Sauce:
Recipe from Two Peas and Their Pod
Makes 2 cups

2 cups sugar
12 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into pieces and at room temperature
1 cup heavy cream, at room temperature
1 T fine sea salt (original recipe called for fleur de sel or Maldon sea salt flakes)

Make sure you have everything measured out and ready to go before you start.  This will burn if you step away even for a moment!  Heat the sugar over medium-high heat in the bottom of a medium saucepan.  Leave it go (don't touch it!) until you see the sugar around the outside of the pan start to turn to liquid.  When you see the sugar beginning to melt, start whisking it.  It will clump, but keep whisking as it all begins to melt.  Once it is all melted, stop whisking, swirl the pan around and cook the sugar until the sugar reaches a deep amber color.  Make sure you watch the pan closely and do not stop swirling.  If you have a candy thermometer, you want the sugar to reach 350 degrees.  If you do this a few times, you will know by the color when your sugar is ready. 

As soon as the sugar is a deep amber color, add the butter.  Using a wooden spoon now, stir until the butter is completely melted and incorporated.  Remove the pan from heat and very slowly stream in your heavy cream.  If you do this too quickly, it will cause the caramel to seize. Whisk until the caramel is smooth.  Finally, whisk in your sea salt.  Let the caramel cool for about 10-15 minutes in the pan, and then transfer to a jar to cool to room temperature.  This will store in the refrigerator for about a month.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Rose Cake - Kentucky Derby Weekend!

It was certainly an eventful weekend for festive folks like us.  The Kentucky Derby and Cinco de Mayo in one weekend?  And they are both holidays that revolve largely around food and drink.  Yes and yes, please!
We get very into Derby Day for two Pennsylvania yanks.  We like the tradition, the pageantry, and the competition of who can pick the winning horses throughout the day.  Hubs and I hosted a party to mark the occasion and I knew right away I wanted to make a red Rose cake as the most literal interpretation of the "Run for the Roses".  This style of cake decorating has been everywhere around the web as of late, and I made it once before successfully for Mother's Day so I was pretty comfortable with the technique.  There is something very impressive and classic about the presentation, and it is surprisingly easy to do.
You can use a Wilton 1M or 2D tip.  Start in the middle of where you want your first rose, and pipe in an outward circle.  All you have to do is repeat until your cake is covered!  If you want a more in-depth tutorial on how to make your own rose cake, i am baker has a great one you can find here.
We also enjoyed some traditional Benedictine sandwiches and these Pecan Pie Truffles with a healthy dose of bourbon as our spin on Derby Pies.  Everything was delicious and Greg picked the winning horse... all in all a great day! 

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